Lorenzo Vainigli

Software developer, passionate about programming


COVID-19 in Italy: an Interactive Map
2 March 2020
  1 min.     637
Data published by the Ministry of Health displayed on a national map and on a graph that shows the evolution of Coronavirus infection cases In these days the Ministry of Health is reporting daily data on the number of people who tested positive for COVID-19. On the Johns Hopkins University Map that traces the cases […]
Advanced Pagination with Bootstrap
27 August 2019
  3 min.     392
Among the many components of Bootstrap we can find one to build a block of page indexes to implement a pagination. Typically this component is used when you have a list of elements that, for one reason or another, can not be shown all in one page. In this case, as with search engines, several […]
Disable Google Analytics only for site’s administrators
28 July 2019
  1 min.     19
Services used to track visitors to your site, such as Google Analytics, are essential tools to get an idea of the performance of your web pages. The problem that arises is that administrators, content creators or any other profile that manages the content of a site are among the most active users. In the long […]